We’ve all seen it.

Sometimes it’s glaring: the man living in a tent under a highway overpass in the dead of winter. The family sleeping underneath used, stained carpet padding on the side of the highway entrance ramp.
Other times, it’s more hidden: did the young boy on the playground really forget his coat at home, or does he not have one to wear?
These situations are hard to witness, and appropriately garner our compassion and prayers. There are people in desperate need in Kansas City during the cruel, biting-cold months of our winters. Our most basic human needs for appropriate clothing and shelter remind us that, ultimately, we are all connected. Sometimes, it’s just circumstance that separates the needy and the fortunate.
What if there was a way to do more? What if there was a way to act and provide comfort and warmth for those in need?
Project Warmth is a 35-year-old, Kansas City-based initiative that collects coats, blankets and monetary donations for those in need in the Greater Kansas City area. Together with our partners*, Tension is a proud, long-time supporter of Project Warmth. We invite you to join us this year – lend a hand to someone who needs it through the coat and blanket drive on November 4, or direct mail campaign on December 3:
Coat and Blanket Drive – Saturday, November 4th
Saturday, November 4th, is the “drop date” for new or gently used, clean coat and blanket donations. A complete listing of drop locations can be found here, including all Kansas and Missouri Prime Sleep and Rental City locations. Last year, Project Warmth collected more than 13,000 items for Kansas Citians in need, and this year we aim to collect 15,000: please consider a coat or blanket donation this year to provide warmth for those who need it.
Tension Direct Mail Envelope Drop in The Kansas City Star – Sunday, December 3rd
Over the years, Tension has donated millions of postage-paid envelopes that are featured in a Sunday edition of The Kansas City Star.
“These direct mail envelopes play a critical role and are the primary source of revenue for Project Warmth, accounting for more than 87% of total funds raised in 2016,” said John Rich, Executive Director of Mid-America Assistance Coalition (MAAC). MAAC distributes Project Warmth funds to those in need of housing and utility assistance during extreme temperature months in the Greater Kansas City community. John added, “The importance of these donations cannot be overstated as United Way’s 2-1-1 line received over 43,000 requests for housing and utility related assistance in 2016.”
This year, the envelopes will drop in the Sunday, December 3rd, edition of The Kansas City Star. Donors can also find a link on the envelopes should you opt to make a donation online or set up recurring donations. Watch for the envelopes on December 3rd, and consider donating and/or setting up your recurring donation for our community members in need.
We’ve seen Kansas City come through in the past, and we look forward to yor warm-hearted response this year. This is your opportunity to make an immediate and meaningful difference in our community. Be an angel to those in need, and make them feel warm inside and out with a donation to Project Warmth. All gifts directly benefit those in the Greater Kansas City area.
*Special thanks to our friends at KCTV5, The Kansas City Star, Mid-America Assistance Coalition, Salvation Army, Dean Realty and Andrew Distribution, Inc. for our partnership and support of Project Warmth.