When it comes to sustainable business practices, you can’t afford to be stationary. Especially as a mailer in today’s environment, when green washing campaigns (e.g. false claims that the use of paper is bad for the environment) are so prevalent.
Tension helps many customers work toward their sustainability initiatives, and can help you incorporate green practices into your business, too.
Green Means Go: Custom Enviro-friendly Envelopes
If you want to make your mailing more environmentally friendly, first look at the materials used in creating your envelopes. Do the adhesives contain volatile or hazardous ingredients? Are the envelopes made from recycled paper? What kinds of materials are used in the envelope window patch?
Tension offers customers a wide range of green options in their envelope materials, including adhesives that contain almost 0% air pollutants, an extensive choice of recycled and eco-paper options and biodegradable window coverings. Looking for water-based inks? We’ve got you (and potentially your envelopes) covered.
Double-Down on Double-Duty
There are more sustainability opportunities beyond the creation of a green envelope. Tension offers mailers a way to get double-duty out of the envelope with ALTA™ reusable, two-way envelopes. These envelopes feature a perforated edge along the flap closure on the backside that allows them to act as send and return envelopes all in one package (when the strip is removed, an additional line of adhesive sits on the portion above it that will allow it to be sealed for return). RECOCHET envelopes are also compatible with high-speed, automatic inserters.
Practice What You Green
Aside from material and product green focus, there are sustainable activities you can do around the office. Tension plants are equipped with LED lighting, and many are motion-activated so they can automatically switch off when not in use. Easy access to recycling containers and switching to energy-efficient thermostats are other ways to go green in your organization.
Let Tension help you achieve sustainable success as you consider your envelope options. Contact us today for details.